awesome partisan (:


through hard and easy (:

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Secret Recipe TAK HALAL?

Damn..dah larh feveret..ley lak xhalal..aduihhh.....ada DNA babi lak lam cake die. aduii...da larh pernah ter-makan kek tuh. hbs kene infect ngn babi..Arghh.....

JAKIM pon dah sahkan yg syarikat PURATOS xbole dpt sijil HALAL cz dorang gunakan Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) babi dalam bahan ramuan ( Whole Egg Powder dan Whole Milk Powder )...

pulakk dahh.....tapi, JAKIM xkata secret recipe tu xhalal cz dorang suh owner SR cr supplier baru yang xguna BABI..means ley makanlah kat situ. 

So, congratz pihak JAKIM cz dpt discover benda nih.lau x, sampai mati ak termakan BABI...

Have a nice day :)
By Farah <3

Tidak WAJIB tapi PERLU. apakah?

Tidak WAJIB tapi PERLU. apakah?

Saya seorang wanita dewasa yang tidak tahu bermekap2...haha. kalau lihat saya di fakulti or kemana sahaja saya pergi saya hanya memakai bedak (kalaulah pakai) & eyeliner jer...(kalau pencil xtumpul). Saya boleh dikategorikan sebagai selekeh...yup2,selekeh..hahahaha....

i don kno y i hate makeup..actualy not hating it, its just dat im not blend with this kind of stuff. same goes to selendang n stuff...i don kno how people tend to become more creative creating stuff like tudung yuna lah,bawal lah...for me, as long as it covers my hair+neck n instantly just SARUNG it,that will do..hahaha
no wonder my hubby sll marah i..
B : "Asal awak nihh sll pakai tudung sarung haa?? cubalah pakai tudung elok-elok sikit"
Me : "tudung ni sng,xyah gosok2,SARUNG jer..hahahaha"

bhahaha......jauh melencong ni yerr beloger-beloger.. tujuan sy ni nk ceciter sal makeup...hahaha.actualy im startin  to involve in this kinda stuff (gerli-gerli stuff)...i xminat n xsker sgt. tp i rasa ia perlu...

ni sume starting time ad karnia val kat fac fren Mimi ajak check muka byr RM3 pastu cina tu pon cakaplah muka i ni tulah nilah kene pakai tulah nilah...snce that day,ive started to apply beauty products on my face.segala macam rempah ratus dah ad kat muka nihh.

now my focus is on makeup..I XRETI MEKAP,cuti nihh terpaksalah i blaja dr YouTube study pasal colour pallette, skin, texture, technic and so on....yang pastinya, SANGATLAH RUMIT....

here i got some tips for those yang mcm i (xreti makeup), u cn learn this simple tips...i got this from very easy and also this one
it helps a lot...

Selamat Mencuba
By farah <3