awesome partisan (:


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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, February 25, 2011

math is fun :)

when i stalked pictures org kan, then i terjumpe la and interested ngan 1 question ni.
its about mathematics
im interested because my field is in maths.
so ade pape berkaitan ngn numbers ni memang pantang sket laa..(poyo)
ok juz check it out!!

mane pergi ekk lagi RM1? konpius ni konpius..hahaha.....ok ni ade beberapa kajian yang telah saya kaji

First Research
  1. hotel RM30 so, 3 person RM10 + RM 10 + RM 10
  2. then, hotel RM25 (discount price) so, RM25 / 3 = 8.33333333
  3. then, consider we take only RM8.
  4. conclusion, the missing RM1 is on .33333333
Second Research
  1. i assume that calculation is wrong!!
  2. now i take RM25 / 3 = RM8.30 (rounding off)
  3. add up RM1 each person given by receptionist so, RM8.30 + RM1 = RM9.30
  4. then RM9.30 x 3 = RM27.90 (3 persons)
  5. RM27.90 + RM2 (tips) = RM29.90 ??????????
  6. at here, i started to get really confiusssss
ok at this point, i have started feeling kind of desperateeeee.. geram pon ade... i think again and again and again.. Lastly,
through all the 'kesusahan' and 'kepeningan' and then
idea comin'.. ive noticed sumtin..hahahaha

Last Research
  1. we ignore the hotel price of RM30
  2. at first, each person pay RM10 but, RM1 had returned 
  3. so, RM9 x 3 = RM27
  4. at this point, RM2 (tips) is included in RM27.
  5. so, the price of the three person pay without tips is RM27 - RM2 (tips) = RM25
  6. to get another RM5, tips RM2 + RM3 (RM1 dat returned to each person)
  7. lastly, RM25 + RM5 = RM30
  8. in conclusion, there is no missing of RM1..
in general, Maths is actually fun :))

by noor hizwan <3

more on vacation

Korea or Beijing

ohhh Korea
ohhh Beijing

talking about vacation ni kan, teringat la pulak our last vacation which is in singapore.
ohh i missed that moment.. rase mcm klo berkesempatan nk pergi je lagi..
 but, the fact is, its juz only a dream. difficult to come true..
ok our trip to singapore tu fall on the day of our
I dunno whether we plan it or it happened by chance. This is all because of the ads displayed kat merata-rata tempat dlm uitm nih la and

 suddenly i happened to see the date is on 29th January 2011 pulak..
 apa lagosss..peluang jangan disia-siakan..
whatever it is, thank GOD sebab gives us this opportunity to enjoy our happy moment smpai ke negara orang tuhhh.

ok ok enough bebelan pasal singapore. what i want to review is about our big huge planning.. haa want to know what is so0-called big and huge sangat tuh?

tuu yang kat ats tuuu..

i've made a discussion ngn beberapa party including la UiTM-UKM travel team (organization yg kitorg join at the time we went to singapore on that day). ohhh by d way, if you all nak tahu lebih lanjut pasal travel team ni search jela kat facebook "UiTM-UKM Travel Team"
klik link ni.. lagi senang

FYI, diorang ni sume mmg active in organizing holiday packages to abroad.. And mostly packages yang diorang offer ni memang murah la compared to other holiday packages.. About time management they all pon ok sebab its all going smooth and less problematic occur.. I dare say that because i have experienced with them..
Now i copy n paste la all about the discussions and decision made whether to go to korea or beijing :)
lets's check it out lovelies

So, kwn2..
Berkenaan trip ke Korea, setelah diskus dengan kawan2 group via pm n sms, ramai bersetuju untuk tukar laluan ke Beijing atas sebab-sebab kos dan waktu nak bertolak tu rata2 dah setuju winter akan datang. Sure la lepas kita semua habis final exam dalam 20 January kalau xsilap.


  • Korea sememangnya mahal, price pon around RM3000. Itupun hotel memang bajet lah (6H5M). Lagi plak segala kos untuk shopping kt sana korg pun tahu kan sememangnya mahal. 


  • Berbanding kalau Beijing plak, sama 6H5M, kos jauh lebih murah dari Korea. Max price around RM1700 (it all happen in winter too :)) wink wink). Paling best Beijing dengan harga tu pakej kt sana cam pakej VIP.(wooahhh) hotel 4star (woot woot).. Makan plak memang jgn bimbang lah. Paling penting banyak tempat shopping dan murah giler kat sana.
  • Utk pengetahuan iphone kt sna around RM100 SAHAJA..and ipad plak around RM250 sahaja. Kualiti sendiri mau igt lah..hehe. tp setakat ni ada kwn2 yg guna still ok laa..
  • Nak tau gambaran jelas psl Beijing boleh tgok album saya di page saya lah. tu terbaru bertolak 31 dec lepas n balik 5 jan 2011..

Aman. the one who is responsible in organising vacation

nice view on the night :)
terdetik2 juga trip kali ni nak extend cket naik bullet tren dari Beijing ke Hong Kong..apapun boleh plan semula. Setakat ni penyertaan amat menggalakkan. xsilap 8 orang dah. dan masih ada masa lagi nak kumpul duit.. Berminat nk join ktrog boleh bg nama ye..

Saya detailkan sikit lah apa yg include harga tu..

RM1700 termasuk :

  1. Flight pergi dan balik.
  2. Makan atas flight
  3. Penginapan hotel 4 star
  4. Makan dan minum sepanjang disana ( sure byk gile lauk2)
  5. Tour guide
  6. Private coach
  7. Entrancee fee

ok..sekian. wslm